Friday 6 March 2020


Hello! We are Marta Milán and Miguel Lucas and this week we are the translators. We
have had to take into account the following terms to continue performing our activity
‘Un día en el cole de mi maestro’:
learning is physically located. This is the case whether we are learning in a classroom,
in a company or online. Set design refers to how we organize the physical or virtual
learning environment and any artifact, tool and resource that we introduce to support it.
All these things physically place the learning activity.
epistemic design implies proposing tasks. In a nutshell: it's about making suggestions on
what things students can do.
social design is how we propose that people work together. For example, do we want
students to work alone, or to form couples, groups or teams? What roles do we want
to represent and how could we divide the work among them?
as active students exercise some autonomy to decide what to do and how to do it,
this dimension deals with the acts of co-creation and co-configuration. Emerging
Activity is what happens when learning, tolos and people come together to support
learning. Learning outcomes are linked to the emerging activity.
STOP MOTION: Is a technique used in animation to bring static objects to life
on screen. This is done by moving the object in increments while filming a frame per
increment. It has been so enjoyable for the kids to interact with this activity as we set
certain roles, one filming other changing the scenario and the other moving the objects.

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