Friday 15 May 2020


Hello everyone! We are Francisco José and Marta and this week we have been the translators🙌. This activity, of which we will define some terms📃, is quite familiar since we have already been carrying it out weeks before🔙, but this time it was something different because it was designed by us😊.

I am talking about UDCMM😃, since this week we have repeated our experiences with Augmented Reality📱, the Codey Rockey robot🤖, and the Stopmotion and Storytelling📷📝, but with activities created by ourselves🙇. That is why today we bring you some new terms that have been added to this task, which is the last one😔. This means that with the roles of this week we have finished our blog, but we hope you have enjoyed it!💖 These are the 5 new terms:

Roles: roles are functions that are attributed to people so that, in certain situations or circumstances, they act or behave according to a set of guidelines, to achieve a series of expectations. In our UDCMM activities, it has become necessary to create some roles so that children can carry out the activities with greater ease and fun😄.

"Roll a story": This has been an activity that we found convenient to add to our Stopmotion and Storytelling section, since it consists of a file with different people, places and actions which have a number from 1 to 6 assigned, and when children roll the dice a total of 3 times, they randomly obtain the data they will need to create a story. For more information about this game, we advise you to look at the post of the stars!

Solar System: the solar system is the planetary system in which our planet, the Earth, is located. To know this is something basic. A key aspect in the general culture of the next generations. And this is the topic we used in our Augmented Reality task of this week. 

Arloopa: it is an app which we can use an extraordinary number of templates of  Augmented Reality or Virtual Reality to interact with objects. This is a very useful way to get the attention of the class, and an awesome opportunity to explain concepts, or develop stories. A different way to introduce elements to your class. 

Scratch: Scratch is a visual programming language developed by the Lifelong Kindergarten Group, its main feature is that it allows the development of mental skills by learning programming without having deep knowledge of code. Its characteristics linked to the easy understanding of computational thinking have made it widely used in the education of children, adolescents and adults. And it has been used for our activity with the Codey Rockey.

And that's all! Bye bye our dear readers😘

Thursday 14 May 2020


Hello everybody!
I'm Carmen Rocío and, this week, I finish by publishing my post as
a journalist👏👏. I think the whole group would have liked to finish
the activities differently😐.
It has been a few weeks of chaos that may have made the last task
a bit of a disaster. But I will leave that part to the analysts 👀. 
For my part, I think we have lacked time since, despite the fact that
we have organized ourselves in the best way, communication has
been lacking 💭.

We thought that the best way to organize ourselves was in three
groups, dividing the activities as the original task of UDCMM.
Although we all know how to handle all activities, by separating in
this way we can better focus and enhance activities.
The groups were:
- For the codey rocky🤖: Sergio, Carmen Llamas and Jorge.
- For augmented reality🔎: Juan Antonio, Paco and Miguel.
- For the stopmotion📱: Marta Milán, Adrián and me.

We especially think that when it comes to brainstorming it is better
in small groups and that is why we decide to divide us.
Perhaps we did not all go at the same pace, but this does not mean
that throughout all this time we have not worked cooperatively.👐
I will only give an example, when we had the feedback of this activity
a colleague wanted to put a lower grade but we did not see it together
since it was really everyone's fault.
However, I don't want to talk about negative things anymore, I think that
everything can be improved☝. Looking at the portfolio, we hope that it
improves so much that it doesn't even seem like the activities we did.
But always for the better!

In closing, I will leave the last recommendation of our group. This group:
We were surprised by the ability to link all activities😦😊.
They really stand out in the approach of these activities and that is why
this week I have thought about highlighting their work. But this does not
mean that others have not done well!

Perhaps, it is not a web page but it is a tool that has helped us to
develop our stop motion activity more easily. With the Picpac app we have
been able to develop two of our activities, managing to include audio tracks
recorded in the same application and even music without copyright. In addition,
you can upload the video to YouTube directly from the app! Here's the QR:

It has been a pleasure to be able to express myself during all these
activities, to be able to see our journey and our ups and downs 😀.
I always think that everything can improve and that is why although the
last task does not reflect it much, I have seen progress.
From now on, we will work so that the last job surpasses the other activities.

El Crecimiento Progreso Gráfico. (s. f.). [Fotografía]. Recuperado de

And so far my posts on this blog. I hope you liked it as much as I do!


Tuesday 12 May 2020


Hi all of you, we are Miguel and Jorge and we are in charge of being the analysts for this last week, altough it is a bit sad knowing that we will no longer post again we have made some marvelous activities for this Task 10 of the final week.

As the acctivity was about story telling, cody rockie and augmented reality, we have come to the conclusion that would be so helpful for us to work on the previous work that we made for the activity "un dia en el cole de mi maestro" so we did and I have to admit that it has brought has amazing results because as each of the subgroup members became a "specialist" of each field working with it again has been easier but not easy.

To begin with, I have to say that We are really proud of ourselves with the job we have performed as we have worked with efficiency, fluidity and more importantly a hole bunch of creative and singular ideas, at the moment we haven't found any bad thing about our worlk, although we are trying to be as critic as posible with our own work, however we know Linda will give us all feedback as posible to try to improve as always.

We have talked about some eases that we have found with this acivity but there are some downsides that I think as the rest of my peers and we, have encountered, that are not working face to face, some internet problems we had had and related to some devices, anyway hanggoust it's been an amazing tool for us because it brings us the posibility to share the screen and being on call, so useful.

With this activity I reckon we have learned ways to overcome and adapt to a difficult situtaion that it quarentine because of Covid-19 ways to show and explain the activity "un dia en el cole de mi maestro" from our houses.

Overall, it's been  a great week for us I think and hope we have done an amazing work as the rest of our colleagues had done. Here we leave you with the last entry by analysts see you until never.


well, after an amazing time, this course has come to an end, and we couldn't imagine a better way to finish it as being the stars, since we really like performing this role!😃😃

it was a bit difficult to do our presentation online, as we both have some problems with our Wifi connection, but in the end we managed to show our work to our class and explain what our activities consist of, although we still have to make some changes, to make them better. 😦 

In case you missed our presentation, here we write a small summary of it! 😉

ADRIÁN'S SPEECH: Today I’m gonna talk about the activity we have prepared using storytelling and stopmotion. First of all I would like to say that the main goals of our activity is for children to know how to make secondary colours mixing primary colours, create a story with given statements and learn how to make a stopmotion video with audio.

Our activity is aimed at children of the third grade of primary education, and we will work on it in the hours of Spanish language and arts education. We have divided our activity in six hours. In the first hour the teacher will explain the activity to the students and will tell them to form groups of four, as we will use the cooperative learning groups methodology. The teacher will explain how roll a story works and how to make new colours. Then the teacher will tell students to choose to be either writer or narrator and painter or photographer. Every student will have two roles.

In the next session the groups of students will roll the die to see what statements they have to create the story and they will start thinking about it. In the third session students will start mixing colours to see how to make new colours and start making their paintings according to the story they have started working on and taking pictures.

In the fourth session students will finish recording the podcast for the stopmotion and in the fifth session they will finish the painting and collect all the pictures they have taken.

In the sixth session the groups of students with the help of the teacher will create the stopmotion and upload it to youtube. Finally the students will have to reflect on their work individually and score the work of their classmates, as the final score for this activity will be 70% the final video and 30% taken from the notes the teacher will be taking while students are working and from the reflection of the students. 


Hello everybody again! well, after having changed some things that our teacher told us to, we have just finished our activity, so we would like to show it to our followers!😇

go to this link to see our whole activity on pdf!:

we hope you like it!

All the best!💗💗


Hello everybody!! 😄💪

I am Sergio and I have been the facilitator this week. Before starting I would like to give hope to everyone because of the difficult situation that we have to face. If we respect the rules and mantain a security distance with other people I am sure that we will get out of this situation.

Now I am going to talk about my role this week. First of all, I would like to state that we all agreed to divide the job in three parts, as we consider that doing everything the 9 of the group would be very improductive. There was a consensus on that: Carmen Llamas, Jorge and me worked in the part of encoding. Paco, Miguel and Juan Antonio worked in the part of augmented reality. Adrián, Carmen Rocío and Marta worked in the part of storytelling.

I am sure that we could have worked more collaboratelly between the different subgroups. However, I am also sure that if we haven't done this is because we have too many works from different subjects. 

So, regarding the very improvable result which we have had on the last task, I haven't got anything else to say appart from the fact that, as we want to achieve the best possible in this subject (well, actually in all the subjects), we are going to ensure that our portfolio is much better than this.

That's all. Best wishes.

Friday 1 May 2020

Currator Farmer week 10

Hello everyone, I´m Jorge Garcia and this week I will be the currator farmer.

This has been a very busy week where we have learned to make an infographic, for this we have used the page

 This week's work consisted on creating an infographic that explain clearly the main elements that would constitute the teaching competence for a digital world, the main feature of everyone, as well as the relationships with other elements of education/society and participants in the educational process.
The document that we have to analyse was

To carry out this work we helped ourselves with documents that we could find in the aula virtual
were you could learn the way to do an infographic 

Facilitator week 10

Hello everyone hope you are having an amazing week so are we, as this period of cuarentine is about to end.

As we can't already meet each other, to work on the Task 9 we are still using our most efficient tool, Hangouts, at the moment we are handling well the works as the resources are so useful.

For this last Task we did it on a groupal videocall this past weekend, however as we had to make some minor changes we had to modify it again. As previously said we are working good and more importantly hard.

Let's keep working focused that together we will end up this horrible situation.

Thursday 30 April 2020


Hello everyone! We are Carmen Rocío and Marta and this week we were the stars ☆★🙋

We think that for us this was the most feared role, since it is inevitable to get nervous 😬 when it comes to exposing our work and trying to make it perfect 💯, but we are happy with the result since despite making some mistakes, it was nothing that could not be easily solved 😉

Our experience as stars was as follows:
This week's challenge was to create an infographic with the information from a text that dealt with how to be Digital Competent Teachers. We started working on the project as soon as possible so that we (the stars) had time to prepare for the exposition. Our group made a video call 💻☎ in which we all had already read the text 📘 and we had got ideas from it for our work. After seeing many possible templates for our infographic 👀, we decided on one that could fit with the ideas we had in mind for it.
About this video call, it only remains to highlight that it was fluid and productive since in 2 hours we had finished our project!!

La píldora anticonceptiva para hombres: casi una realidad
From there, the stars had to call each other again to prepare our presentation. We began to write in a joint document📑📝, making the information we had extracted from the text simpler and easier, and after working hard on it, we got an appropiate exposition that we studied with great determination so that we could later say it fluently 🙌😊.

As we have already commented before, our group generally made some mistakes, so we had to add some changes to our infographic. This is the final version of it 🔆:

And that's all! We hope you like our tasks since we try to do our best in this last effort 💥. We will soon finish the semester and we want to continue being a very hard-working group😊 
Bye for now!! 💖

Despedida GIFs | Tenor


Hello partners! 
We are Francisco José and Juan Antonio
First of all, we hope you’re all okay.🙇 Secondly, we are entering the home stretch of this quarter-year and are still working hard to get ahead in every task we do. During this intense week we have produced, as you well know, an infogram on digital skills.👊

In addition this week apart from participating in the development of the infogram, we have been closely observing our colleagues, in order to evaluate them and record their development in writing. It is necessary to say that this week there has been a general involvement and according to the group level that we have been developing recently. We also want to say that the words that Linda addressed to us on the day of the tutorial served us on a group level to be more optimistic and to continue working in that ascending line.

Hombre De Negocios Sube Escalones Para Alcanzar La Meta De éxito ...

 This week we have learned above all two things. The first is to be clear about digital skills when it comes to teaching, and the second, and no less important, is that we have learned to make an infogram with the necessary information. It is true that, at the beginning of doing so, we were not too careful with the information and made some mistakes, which once we taught the teacher, gave us the proper instructions to correct those mini errors. 

As you all know, we find ourselves in an atypical situation in which it becomes more difficult to participate dynamically in the development of the task, since it is more difficult to provide ideas in a continuous and detailed way by means of a video call.

To summarize in brief terms the previous week we will say that it was somewhat more bearable than the other weeks since we have taken a little more the dynamics of group carrying out the tasks in a more dynamic way. This is due to the monotony of doing the projects by videoconference as it cannot be done otherwise. Therefore now that we are more accustomed to using this type of tasks online, little by little it is more familiar to us, but it does not mean that we do not encounter some adversities. 

In conclusion, we believe that we have succeeded in achieving the objectives proposed at the beginning of the task, and here we wish to place on record some of them:

About the worst moment: 😕
We believe that although we are already accustomed to using online video conferencing platforms, it is difficult for us to organize the whole task and to describe objectives and roles. Therefore I believe that the worst part of this week would be the numerous difficulties that we find when it comes to the telematic development of our weekly work.

About the best moment: 💖 
As a group we are certainly left with the good and positive things that happen to us during the week. This week has been completely full of them and we as analysts are going to stay with one that really surprised us. After the words of our teacher, we tried to take them as something motivating but under humility, that is, without boasting much or believing that and it was all done. Therefore, as this gave us extra motivation, when he told us that there were some things we should fix in our infogram, we all offered to do so and looked at it as something positive to continue advancing individually and collectively.

A great moment as a group: 🙏
We consider that if we have to highlight something of a group this week it is the cooperation and motivation that we have previously explained and that has made us achieve good results in this activity.👬👭

As analysts we consider that if we continue on this path, we will achieve great objectives and that the group assessment will be relatively good since most of the time, we have given 100% of us.💪.

Our reflection on this activity is clear and concise, because at the first moment when we read the indications we became more or less clear what we had to do. 💁
First we decided to read the text and make an outline or brainstorming with the main concepts of academic digitalization. Once we do that, we start sharing ideas and developing an infogram sketch. From here we draw a specific plan of route to follow for the realization of the infogram. All this we realize in one afternoon.
The following day in a new video call, we made the infogram, especially Marta Milan and Carmen Rocío who were in charge of collecting all the information and filling in the template of the infogram. Then each member of the group added an idea and we retouched the infogram.

Apart from making the infographic and explaining what we thought were the most important aspects of competences, we related the activity to aspects of the TPACK and our PLE, in order to complete and relate all the concepts.
We consider this activity important because as primary school students tomorrow we will need the acquisition of some digital skills to fully develop as materials and help our students to develop their skills further completely.
Finally in relation to our PLE we have learned why and what we use each digital platform for. In the 21st century, thanks to these skills, we have made education a more just and dynamic world. Finally, we believe that any aspect of the PLE could be used to acquire or develop competences from the digital world, not only as students but also in the future to be good teachers.

I hope you are all well and see you soon. Thank you very much and continue to work hard partners. 💙💋