Thursday 14 May 2020


Hello everybody!
I'm Carmen Rocío and, this week, I finish by publishing my post as
a journalist👏👏. I think the whole group would have liked to finish
the activities differently😐.
It has been a few weeks of chaos that may have made the last task
a bit of a disaster. But I will leave that part to the analysts 👀. 
For my part, I think we have lacked time since, despite the fact that
we have organized ourselves in the best way, communication has
been lacking 💭.

We thought that the best way to organize ourselves was in three
groups, dividing the activities as the original task of UDCMM.
Although we all know how to handle all activities, by separating in
this way we can better focus and enhance activities.
The groups were:
- For the codey rocky🤖: Sergio, Carmen Llamas and Jorge.
- For augmented reality🔎: Juan Antonio, Paco and Miguel.
- For the stopmotion📱: Marta Milán, Adrián and me.

We especially think that when it comes to brainstorming it is better
in small groups and that is why we decide to divide us.
Perhaps we did not all go at the same pace, but this does not mean
that throughout all this time we have not worked cooperatively.👐
I will only give an example, when we had the feedback of this activity
a colleague wanted to put a lower grade but we did not see it together
since it was really everyone's fault.
However, I don't want to talk about negative things anymore, I think that
everything can be improved☝. Looking at the portfolio, we hope that it
improves so much that it doesn't even seem like the activities we did.
But always for the better!

In closing, I will leave the last recommendation of our group. This group:
We were surprised by the ability to link all activities😦😊.
They really stand out in the approach of these activities and that is why
this week I have thought about highlighting their work. But this does not
mean that others have not done well!

Perhaps, it is not a web page but it is a tool that has helped us to
develop our stop motion activity more easily. With the Picpac app we have
been able to develop two of our activities, managing to include audio tracks
recorded in the same application and even music without copyright. In addition,
you can upload the video to YouTube directly from the app! Here's the QR:

It has been a pleasure to be able to express myself during all these
activities, to be able to see our journey and our ups and downs 😀.
I always think that everything can improve and that is why although the
last task does not reflect it much, I have seen progress.
From now on, we will work so that the last job surpasses the other activities.

El Crecimiento Progreso Gráfico. (s. f.). [Fotografía]. Recuperado de

And so far my posts on this blog. I hope you liked it as much as I do!


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