Friday 13 March 2020

Journalist role week 6

Hello everybody! 😉✌❤

I am Sergio and this week I have worked as the journalist for “The Outsiders”. Although it is not my favourite role in the group I would like to recognise the fact that it has been interesting for me. Now I am going to specify what we have done our last day of “Un día en el cole de mi maestro”.

First of all Jorge did the introduction, explaining our students (they were only 3) what they were going to do.

After that, I gave them a detailed explanation about how does Codey Rocky work, what is an event and a sequence and how encoding it.

Once they were able to manage with Codey Rocky we led them to focus on the circuits. The circuit which they developed first was the triangle one. It represented an island with pirates who were looking for a treasure.
In this circuit the robot has to follow the red line permanentlly. The sequence for it is this one:

Once they achieved to program the robot for this circuit, they had to do the same for the second one. This circuit was based on Mario Kart. The sequence was the following one:

We had an astonishing experience this day and also the rest of the days we worked with children. The experience of #udcmm has been amazing. We regret that it had to stop due to coronavirus and we hope to continue with it in the near future.

Apart from that, I would also like to talk about how did it go to us last Thursday when we carried out the activity of storytelling. First, we explained the children what they had to do and the concepts of storytelling and stopmotion. Then we led them to read Pinocho, as they were going to need what was it about for the rest of the activity. 

Because of the fact that we were unable to spend more than half an hour, we had to divide children into two groups. One of them was in charge of recording the audios while the other had to take the photos. Finally, we achieved to finish everything just in time and were able to upload it to Youtube.

PPDD: Also, I would like to highlight the work of the group "Game of Phones". Their way of carrying out strorytelling has been quite fun for me. The fact that they represented the story with the children surely implied that the children were constantly attentive and actively participated throughout the activity. Above I have seen them work in a blended way, which is essential when carrying out any job or project.                      
                                                                                                                                                                   That’s all, best wishes! 💪💚

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