Friday 6 March 2020

Programming for Codey Rocky activity

Hello everyone! 😜😊

We are Sergio, Carmen Llamas and Jorge and this is the programming of the Codey Rocky activity:

Good morning everyone and thanks for being here. We are (we say our names, what we are studying and the group we belong to to introduce ourselves; we also ask them what they are called, what school they are from ...) We have worked hard enough to make you like this activity so we hope so. We have prepared this activity with the aim of having a great time, in addition to learning how to drive this robot from here. It's called Codey Rocky and it's very simple to use. Now we will explain how it is done, do not worry, it has no complications. Once you have understood how it works, you will have to program it in such a way that it can circumvent these two circuits that you can see on the ground, although first we will show you how it is encoded to do what you want.

To carry out the activity we will leave our phones, since they have downloaded the Mblock application, necessary to encode the robot.

First of all (showing our mobiles to show the button we are pressing) we will explain the difference between the terms event and sequence.
The event is the stimulus that the robot needs to receive to perform the sequence. You have to put it first of all and an example of an event would be to press the A button, although there are others, you can choose the one you want.
The sequence is established after the event and is the set of actions, movements or responses that you want the robot to do if it receives the stimulus that you have established before in the event. You can do many things such as to make it advance, to put on a sad face, to react in a way only if its sensor (this below) detects the card of a color ...

(Students are now allowed to play with Codey Rocky and things are explained on the way based on the difficulties they have or the actions they are testing. Before moving on to the next phase we have to make sure that all students have understood the main thing).

Well, now, seeing that you have already understood all how it is codified, it is your turn to try to make Codey Rocky go through both circuits. When you get it, you have to upload the video to YouTube. If you don't know how to do that, rest assured that we will tell you.

First you are going to focus on the circuit that we can see here (circuit number one)


*Although the photo shows a black cardboard, in the end we will do it with black duct tape

This circuit, as you can see, is set in Mario Kart, which surely the vast majority of you already know (this would be said in a tone of complicity). What you have to do is to code the robot in such a way that it follows the road from the exit to the goal, passes where the cubes are and dodges the shells until reaching the goal. As in the game basically.

Here you have the mobile with the application for, having understood what we have explained before, you try to create a sequence in such a way that the robot, like Mario or Luigi's car, will travel the circuit and finally “win the career".

And one more thing, since this visit, if we have not misunderstood, is organized by the department of mathematics, we are going to ask you to recognize a geometric figure in the circuit (now they have to deduce that it is the square).

Well, now you can get down to work, if you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask us, but remember that Codey you have to code it.

As you can see, this circuit is located on a desert island where pirates are looking for a lost treasure. What you have to do is program Codey Rocky to follow the red line that will lead to the treasure. But this is not the only thing, during the tour Codey Rocky will face difficult situations in which they will have to make use of other functions.

To program the robot, we will use the mblock application that you can download on your mobile phones. The first program we will do will be the one that makes Codey Rocky follow the red line that will take him through the island until he finds the treasure. Later we will program Codey Rocky to perform other actions while moving along the circuit.

Once we finish the programming part, we will test if the program works by making codey rocky go through the circuit. Which you will record with your phones and we will upload to You Tube.

As the activity is organized by the department of mathematics, you must recognize the geometric figures present in the circuits.

That said, we can start working.

(The explanation of how to program the robot will be done while the activity is being carried out).


We want to emphasize that the theme of Mario Kart has not been randomly selected or have any other idea. We have chosen to set that circuit in this game and not in anything else for a simple reason: if the children are interested in what is involved in the activity and, in turn, it is something they are familiar with and usually have in mind their free time, there is a greater probability that they have a more active participation and therefore learn more.

Another aspect to note is that the 9 members of the group “The Outsiders” must have a role in coding the Codey Rocky and know how to differentiate between the terms event and sequence, as well as knowing how to upload videos to YouTube. This is because we must be agile when it comes to solving students' doubts. In other words, we have to "bring the lesson learned from home."


We will carry out this activity, like the rest,in the Faculty of Education. We will have to take into account the number of students that we are going to have to work with to prepare the area in such a way that all children have the necessary space to work without being overwhelmed, apart from having space to put the 2 circuits on the floor.


The duration of this activity will be approximately one hour (maybe a little less). It will be divided into these parts approximately, although clearly we will not be able to know how long it will take to do each thing until the moment in which we do them.

- Introduction and presentation: 5 mins

- Explanation of how Codey Rocky is coded and let them practice to take ease: 15 mins

- Time for them to establish and record the route of the first circuit: 15 mins

- Time for them to establish and record the route of the second circuit: 15 mins

    - Upload the video to YouTube: whatever is left of time


We will need these materials for the activity, which we have already bought:

- At least 2 phones (although actually we will all take our phones) with battery and the downloaded Mblock application and also Youtube

- 2 black cards (in the end instead of that, we will need a roll of black insulating tape)

- Several blank pages

- Clay

- At least 5 Supertite rods (hot melt glue)

- Several small polystyrene balls

- Black permanent marker and colored markers

- Scissors

For circuit 2 we will need:
- Paperboard.
- Painting.
- A polystyrene ball.
- Cork.
- At least 2 phones.
- Scissors.
- Color paper.


All of the students need to be able to manage with Codey Rocky and encode it. This will be necessary for ensuring that they will go through both of the circuits


All of the students will work together, cooperate and help each other to understand all the concepts and develop the activity on the most possible way


-This activity will contribute to students joining forces and cooperating with each other to obtain results in a faster way.

-It will also help students acquire more skills for the use and management of technology.

-In addition, the recognition of geometric figures such as the square or the triangle is going to be worked in this activity.

-Appart from all this, they will also learn to cope with ICT.

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