Friday 27 March 2020


Welcome everyone 🙋!  How’s it going? We´re Sergio and Carmen Rocío and today we are going to tell and reflect with you on our experience as analysts!!
This week we have been observing our colleagues to later evaluate them. 
Resultado de imagen de GIF SEARCHING
But above all, we have analyzed our growth and evolution as a group. If you want to see more information just stay reading here!!
If you are followers of this blog you will know that the classes due to the coronavirus have been transferred to an online format. As we mentioned in previous posts, none of us had experience of this and it has been a complete challenge for us💥.
This week we have learned to use a type of comic called photo comic, although if you want to know what this concept means just click here. (AÑADIR EL ENLACE A LA PARTE DEL TRANSLATOR)
Something that has become part of our routine is to meet by videoconference the afternoon when homework is sent. This week we have needed to cooperate more as a group and in this sense we have evolved a lot.
Resultado de imagen de GIF HAPPY

To begin with, last week was our first week online, we were all adapting to share ideas without interrupting and facilitating each other our tasks since it became more complicated than when we were working in the Aulario Giner de los Ríos  all together.
This week we were aware that the task requires more attention since it was something new and we have worked more efficiently.

We agree that the worst part 😕this week has been to continue working like this since everything is slowing down. We want to go back to normal classes and work face to face all together!  In this way, this week we have learned the importance of being connected and we appreciate having a physical space such as the University of Murcia to learn, study and work.

But not everything is bad! For us, the best of the week 😊 was the online class with Linda. We really enjoyed the creations of our colleagues and we loved the virtual applause moment. We believe that in this very stressful situation we need moments to support each other and we loved being able to appraise all the stars with applause. It was a very fun and beautiful moment!

Resultado de imagen de gif applause MINIONS

The best moments as a group 😇 have been those in which someone has been needed to carry out the task and has helped with their knowledge. For example, Carmen Llamas had previously used the application that we have used for the photo comic, so she took care of that. On the other hand, Adrián helped the stars with their speech to present in class. The rest of us, help shape ideas to create our task.

In this way, we mark cooperation as a value to highlight this week. We believe that it is essential and more at this moment to use our knowledge to develop our work. It is something that we must not forget and as a group we will try to improve each week.

We also think that in addition to cooperation we must assign tasks to work more effectively, as we have done so far. It is important to keep working 9 people at the same time and ensure that we all contribute and evolve.

Furthermore, in this way we were able to solve an information problem that arose after Linda's class. The problem was that it was understood that the images used in the comic were not copyrighted. Following this ruling, analysts decided to re-search for copyright-free photos in places like Pexels, Rawpixel and Unsplash. Personally, we highly recommend them when doing work like this.

Our reflection on the activity: how technologies have changed the way we learn and teach in the classroom.
The Outsiders decided to develop the four concepts that stood out the most in the text. These concepts were: the democratization of knowledge, learning by objectives, participation and visualization.
We decided that the best idea to make this activity was to plan a class from the past with a 21st century classroom.

The content of this activity clearly affects and influences us. Mainly, because we are students and therefore, today we find technology inside and outside the classroom. We see how it helps us to cooperate with each other, adapts to what we need to learn and provides us with tools to expand our knowledge.

As you will know,  in a near future we will be teachers and we will have to take into account the facilities provided by technologies.

But ... how can we relate this content to the social context? Very easy! Our life rolls on technologies. Almost all the content and information we need is found on the internet. There is more and more information on the net and there is more connection to help each other. That is the importance of being interconnected!

Finally, we would like to remark that due to a failure of communication, not all the photos that we used for the original comic were free from author rights, so we decided to change them in order that our magnificient teacher Linda could upload our comic to instagram without problems of any kind. We have just changed the photos but neither the structure or the topics, so we hope that by doing that we have solved this issue.

This is our definitive comic:

Well guys, that´s is all for today! We hope you liked our reflection this week and ... see you on the net! 😜💖💣

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