Thursday 27 February 2020



Hello everyone again!πŸ˜ƒ after having had a busy week preparing all the materials for our activities, this week fortunately we had our lovely teacher with us again😍, so we could solve some of the doubts that arose the previous week.
Focusing on our work as stars this week, we can say that it was a very intense week 😫, although it was based mainly on working as a team.
To begin the week we decided to meet up on Monday, after having read the schedules of our activities, and since Carmen and I had the role of stars this week, we were in charge of explaining to our colleagues the different activities we had prepared for this great event .
First of all we started explaining our first activity, the one  of the water cycle, which was somehow more complicated than the other ones, since this task had been prepared by other members of the group, and since it was also the first presentation, we were rather nervous, but finally our colleagues helped us in the development of the presentation.😏
Then we continue with the presentation of our second activity, that of storytelling, in this activity Adrian took almost the entire weight of the presentation, since he was one of the members who was responsible for preparing this activity. It was a fairly comprehensive explanation, which achieved its two main objectives, to inform the members of the group that had some doubts about this activity, and to prepare for the presentation that we should give to the children. At the end of the explanation, two members of the group (Sergio and Juan Antonio), were not sure how stopmotion and picpac worked, so we had to give them a little demonstration.
Finally, we explained to the rest of the members of our group our third activity, that of codey rocky, in this explanation Carmen had a greater role, since it was she who was responsible for the preparation of this activity as well as  the creation of one of the circuits. We have to say that this presentation was more difficult to understand for almost all the members of the group, since they still did not have any knowledge about the operation of codey rocky, so after this presentation we decided that the best thing would be that Carmen also would explain to them how the robot works.
In general, we can say that this day served as a preparation for the great day with our students, but it also had the desired effect of making our classmates better understand the development of all tasks.
Monday aside, Tuesday was the day we had to present all our work to our teacher. Although we did not have much time, because we are several groups in class, we try to maximize our time to the fullest, and we believe that our teacher understood our work, and all the materials we had prepared, although we have to say that in this day we were helped by some of our excellent classamtes, (Francisco and Carmen).😌😌
Finally, making a summary of everything achieved this week, we would like to highlight that for us it was somehow complicated to carry out this role, since it was the first time we had to do it, and we were a bit nervous, mainly because we tried to do all our presentations in English, something that is always more difficult to carry out, and because we had to take care of explaining three different tasks. Even so, we believe that this week has helped us to improve greatly, since we feel much more confident of ourselves than before, and we believe that this security will help us greatly in our future as teachers, since in the future we will have to face an entire class of 20 or 25 students, and we believe that this is one of the main reasons our teacher told us that we should all go through the role of star, as it is an excellent way to gain confidence for our professional future. We have also understood the importance of this role, since it is the one that is in charge of explaining all the work of the group, so we also believe that Linda told us that we had different roles to help unite our group, something that has indeed been achieved , and that although each one is responsible for doing different parts of the work, in the end it is presented in a joint way, and that we all help each other to achieve our final objective, that of becoming excellent professionals in the field of teaching.
We look forward to this great event, and that in the future we can enjoy the wonderful experience of being the stars of the group in front of our entire class, as we would like to demonstrate how much we have progressed.

Best wishes, 

AdriΓ‘n and Carmen. πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

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