Thursday 27 February 2020

Preparation of "Un día en el cole de mi maestro"

Hi everybody! We want to tell you how is everything going while preparing "Un día en el cole de mi maestro" by sharing this reflection with you:
This week we have worked with different projects, which are already quite advanced although some details remain, but we are satisfied with our effort. We have worked on the following activities: Augmented Reality, Story Telling and Robotics.
The best part of this task is being the organization and the determination of each one. We think we are all very dedicated to this project since we want to show that we can do it better than the last time. We also consider this activity fun, so we are excited to do it and to know that we will try it later with children. Our organization has allowed us to think about every detail and therefore we think that we have been able to reach the expectations. On the other hand, the worst part maybe is being the pressure, since we especially have to do our best due to previous activities and it requires a lot of work, but we trust us.
The best moment of the week was Monday in which all the members of the group stayed in the afternoon in the university to start organizing the work. It was a productive day in which we advanced a lot and in which we did our work seriously.
Moreover, at the moment there has been no bad days since we are working well and we are being quite cautious over time since, although we still have another week to continue with the project, our work is quite advanced so we will have plenty of time to think about small details.
In this task, we have had the opportunity to learn quite different things from each project, although of all the works we can highlight the creativity that we have had to use.
In the case of Story Telling, we have learnt to use applications like Powtoon to make our presentation about what Story Telling and Stopmotion are, or PicPac that is the application that we will use to realize the Stopmotion with the children. It is an activity that allows children to have fun and that requires a lot of creativity.
Moving to Robotics, this project has taught us to acquire skills when handling objects of this type. It also has helped us to develop our creativity in order to invent two atractive and easy circuits for our students.
And finally, regarding Augmented Reality, we have learned to use this method in a way that allows us to teach in a much more practical way allowing a great interaction with the children and between the children.
We still have to improve many things, but this week we would highlight the effort to keep all the roles and jobs together even though we split tasks. We have done well to establish a few key days to move forward and help the work to be completed correctly.
We all have an assigned role but we have to keep in mind that is everyone's work, and this is something we learned last week with the previous task.
We sometimes have to divide the work to be able to manage the time, but we believe that we can improve this as we create new projects.
It is also necessary that each person find his/her characteristic that makes him/her stand out within the group, each one has some characteristics that differentiate him/her. For example, there are people who have more capacity to lead and although it is not in their role of the week, their intervention is sometimes necessary.
We think that the activity "un día en el cole de mi maestro" is essential for our career since it is an activity that puts us in touch with what we are really going to dedicate in our life, which is teaching. We develop elements that are essential when working with children such as creativity, planning, skills to express ourselves and technological learning, something that is very present in schools.
Maybe this activity has been more fluid since we have found concepts related to the Educational Planning subject, which we studied during the first semester. In it, we had to develop a PBL, with different activities created by ourselves. It is true that it has helped us since it contained planning concepts but for us to elaborate the materials ourselves to later apply what we have created has been totally new.
Logically, for us nowadays the application of technology in the classroom is essential. This is evident as children constantly have contact with technological devices. They may not use them for the educational field but they are part of their life.
The application of robots in the classroom was in debate, although perhaps the robots of this activity do not reach as much, since we thought that this couldn´t replace a teacher. This movement did not have much influence since no robot will be able to transmit and act reasonably in the various situations in which a student can show. While it is important to keep in mind that it is not about substituting but it is about helping the teacher complementing with these technological tools (storytelling, stop motion, didactic robots, etc.).
We are putting our hole effort and ilusion because we want to achive good results in this task, appart from making children to value the originality of some of our ideas and making them to have a good time. That is the core of this task and the most important aspect for us, so we hope to deal with it on a positive way!

Resultado de imagen de clase de primaria

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