Saturday 4 April 2020


Hi guys! I'm Carmen Llamas and this week I was the FACILITATOR.
First of all, I hope you are all well. We are closer to the end of this and the return to

This week's activity consisted of the creacion of a personal learning environment, in which
we explained how different digital resources could be used, such as YouTube, podcasts and
announcement boards, which have become so important these days.
To carry out the work, we began by dividing ourselves into subgroups, so that each group
invesCgated one of the resources named above. The first group formed by Carmen Rocío,
Marta and Jorge, was in charge of the online announcement board, the second group, to
which Paco, Juan Antonio and Miguel belonged, carried out the YouTube part, and
finally the third group, in what we were together Adrián, Sergio and I, invesigated on

We started by making video calls between the members of the subgroups to organize the
ideas and to start working. Once all the information was gathered, and each one of the
parts structured, we made a video call with all the outsiders to join all the parts and give a
final structure to the work.

As for the roles of this week, they are reflected in the different entries of this blog during
this week that is already ending and with it this distribuCon.
Despite the difficulties of confinement, we continue working to improve, and learn this and
much more about the resources that technologies offer teachers today.

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