Thursday 30 April 2020


Hello partners! 
We are Francisco José and Juan Antonio
First of all, we hope you’re all okay.🙇 Secondly, we are entering the home stretch of this quarter-year and are still working hard to get ahead in every task we do. During this intense week we have produced, as you well know, an infogram on digital skills.👊

In addition this week apart from participating in the development of the infogram, we have been closely observing our colleagues, in order to evaluate them and record their development in writing. It is necessary to say that this week there has been a general involvement and according to the group level that we have been developing recently. We also want to say that the words that Linda addressed to us on the day of the tutorial served us on a group level to be more optimistic and to continue working in that ascending line.

Hombre De Negocios Sube Escalones Para Alcanzar La Meta De éxito ...

 This week we have learned above all two things. The first is to be clear about digital skills when it comes to teaching, and the second, and no less important, is that we have learned to make an infogram with the necessary information. It is true that, at the beginning of doing so, we were not too careful with the information and made some mistakes, which once we taught the teacher, gave us the proper instructions to correct those mini errors. 

As you all know, we find ourselves in an atypical situation in which it becomes more difficult to participate dynamically in the development of the task, since it is more difficult to provide ideas in a continuous and detailed way by means of a video call.

To summarize in brief terms the previous week we will say that it was somewhat more bearable than the other weeks since we have taken a little more the dynamics of group carrying out the tasks in a more dynamic way. This is due to the monotony of doing the projects by videoconference as it cannot be done otherwise. Therefore now that we are more accustomed to using this type of tasks online, little by little it is more familiar to us, but it does not mean that we do not encounter some adversities. 

In conclusion, we believe that we have succeeded in achieving the objectives proposed at the beginning of the task, and here we wish to place on record some of them:

About the worst moment: 😕
We believe that although we are already accustomed to using online video conferencing platforms, it is difficult for us to organize the whole task and to describe objectives and roles. Therefore I believe that the worst part of this week would be the numerous difficulties that we find when it comes to the telematic development of our weekly work.

About the best moment: 💖 
As a group we are certainly left with the good and positive things that happen to us during the week. This week has been completely full of them and we as analysts are going to stay with one that really surprised us. After the words of our teacher, we tried to take them as something motivating but under humility, that is, without boasting much or believing that and it was all done. Therefore, as this gave us extra motivation, when he told us that there were some things we should fix in our infogram, we all offered to do so and looked at it as something positive to continue advancing individually and collectively.

A great moment as a group: 🙏
We consider that if we have to highlight something of a group this week it is the cooperation and motivation that we have previously explained and that has made us achieve good results in this activity.👬👭

As analysts we consider that if we continue on this path, we will achieve great objectives and that the group assessment will be relatively good since most of the time, we have given 100% of us.💪.

Our reflection on this activity is clear and concise, because at the first moment when we read the indications we became more or less clear what we had to do. 💁
First we decided to read the text and make an outline or brainstorming with the main concepts of academic digitalization. Once we do that, we start sharing ideas and developing an infogram sketch. From here we draw a specific plan of route to follow for the realization of the infogram. All this we realize in one afternoon.
The following day in a new video call, we made the infogram, especially Marta Milan and Carmen Rocío who were in charge of collecting all the information and filling in the template of the infogram. Then each member of the group added an idea and we retouched the infogram.

Apart from making the infographic and explaining what we thought were the most important aspects of competences, we related the activity to aspects of the TPACK and our PLE, in order to complete and relate all the concepts.
We consider this activity important because as primary school students tomorrow we will need the acquisition of some digital skills to fully develop as materials and help our students to develop their skills further completely.
Finally in relation to our PLE we have learned why and what we use each digital platform for. In the 21st century, thanks to these skills, we have made education a more just and dynamic world. Finally, we believe that any aspect of the PLE could be used to acquire or develop competences from the digital world, not only as students but also in the future to be good teachers.

I hope you are all well and see you soon. Thank you very much and continue to work hard partners. 💙💋

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