Friday 27 March 2020


Hi people we are Francisco José and Juan Antonio. During this week we have been the star role of our group. This week was about comics. We have created our photocomic. Moreover, us (Paco and Juan Antonio) were in charge of presenting the comic to the rest of the partners and the teacher, and in spite of the problems at the beginning with the conexion, we did a great explanation. 

In the presentatio we tried to identify the four main potentialities that we were asked to do, and also describe our comic and the parts of it. We did a contrast between learning in the past and learning now, in the 21st century. The differences that we established are very clear. 

To explain our concepts we have produced two comics based on how it was taught to multiply in a class of the past, with traditional teaching methods, and another based on a current class, which makes use of technology to promote learning. In the first bullet of our past class we can see a group of students in class that is totally bored 
On the contrary, in the first bullet of the second comic book we can see how the teacher before explaining how it multiplies, decides that children use a mathematical application on their computers, which has both visual and auditory material, to find out what level the students start from and what level of difficulty they must impose in their class. This activity is closely related to the principle of innovation and visualization, since for children to use their critical thinking, creativity, etc have to work on challenging activities for them, but do not find them too difficult, and when working on an application that has visual and auditory inputs learning is facilitated, as children learn best when they receive both inputs at the same time 
Going back to our comic from the past we see that we find a child learning to multiply only through a textbook, with no possibility of looking for information from other sources, while in our second comic we see a group of students who have computers, tablets, etc to search for information from different pages and see explained how it multiplies across different platforms and teachers. This situation is related to the democratization of knowledge, since the use of technologies allows all children to have access to innumerable sources of information, making the learning process fairer and more egalitarian.
By switching back to our comic book from the past we can see how a teacher reprimands students for speaking to each other and trying to help each other, because some of them don’t quite understand how to multiply, while in our second comic book we can see how children help each other, explaining concepts and learning together, as some students have more facility in this task, while others have facility in others. . In this photo it is represented as the use of technologies together with teamwork helps students to build their own meaning of terms and techniques, and to learn the concepts for themselves, rather than repeating the concepts the teacher says. 

Finally, going back to our comic book from the past we can see how the teacher ends up explaining the concepts of multiplication on the blackboard, without the collaboration of the children and without any other resources, while in our second comic the children use different applications like tutorials on youtube, ipads, etc to finish learning the concept, as established by the concept of learning objects.

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