Thursday 26 March 2020



Hi everyone! After a few weeks I finally had to play the role of journalist, something I had been waiting for for quite some time, although as we have to stay  at home it has been a bit  different.

Well, first of all I would like to start telling you how our week has been. Firstly we had our class on Tuesday morning, which fortunately we were all able to attend online. In this class our teacher explained to us what our task this week would consist of, which would be to make a comic taking into account the main aspects of a text that we should read later. Finally, our teacher gave us a choice between different types of comic, and even though we had to choose it fairly quickly, we all thought that the photo comic would be the best type for us.

Finally, at the end of the class we all decided that after having lunch we would start reading the text, and after having read it we would make a video call in hangous to compare ideas and see how we would make the comic.

In the video call we began to decide what aspects of the text we should include in our comic, and how to represent them in it. After having decided it, we began to think about how to make our comic, and given the impossibility of going out to take photos, we decided that we would take our photos from the internet, from the pages that our teacher had previously told us that we could use, since they have images copyright free.

Finally we agreed to make another video call on Wednesday morning to start editing the comic and prepare our presentation. On Wednesday morning we all presented the photos that we thought best suited our ideas, and we finally decided which ones we would include in our comic. Once our story and the comic were decided, we divided into two groups, one group to make the comic, and another group to prepare the presentation and finalize the small details.

Finally on Thursday in the class with our teacher, our stars (Paco and Juan Antonio) presented the comic to our teacher and classmates, and I must say that they did an excellent job.

As a journalist, I would like to highlight a web page that has been of great help to us in carrying out this task, it is called photo jet, and in it you can find thousands of resources and ideas for making a comic, and despite the fact that it is paid, it offers numerous resources for free.

Finally I would like to highlight the work done this week by the group “Ticchers”, it shows that they have worked enormously to carry out the project, since the design of their comic was very ingenious, and they carried out a very funny as well as didactic presentation. Bravo for them!

Thank you very much for reading, see you soon!

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