Friday 13 March 2020


Hello guys!😜
We are Paco and Juan Antonio. During this extrange week we have been the analysts of our group. In spite of the adversities all our group have worked perfectly. 
Codey Rockey was our last activity and we did lot of special things. Our circuits was amazing and the children had fun a lot. Our results have been increasing recently. It is wonderful to see great results in  the faces of our pupils. 
According to all members of our group, this intense week we have achieved our goals. So, in a nutshell we are very pleased of that.
Resultado de imagen de meta

1 What was the best part of the activity?😄

The best part of the activity as a group was achieving goals. Apart from that, the faces of happiness of the children and the feeling of doing a different thing was also great. 

2 What was the worse?😓

Without any doubt the time. We think that is a pity not having more time for doing more and more games. As many of you know the students arrived late so we had less time. So the worse for us will be the lack of much more time.

3 What was the best moment of the week (in the work of the group)?

Sure, for many of us the best moment of the week was, when we were noticed that we wouldn´t have the entire hour to develop the activity, all members of the group started working as a GROUP, helping to create the games, with materials, organising... 

4 What was the worse?

The worst moment, well.. could be at the begining of the activity when the nervous was the main character and we did not know how to start to play with Codey, but at the end Carmen find that the motion sensor was not working and we started having fun.

5 What have you learnt?

Well, we think that we have learned the word "GROUP". We mean that we have been working as teammates but during this week we have seen that if all of us were one, it is easily to achieve goals. As the previous word we have learned others like cooperativity, solidarity...

6 What do you need to conserve -as a group- for the next weeks?😉

We have to conserve the best of each of us to do things like in the preovious week. We are sure that if all of us give the 100% the results will be the best. So for the rest of the weeks we have to keep working, searching for creativity, for ideas, but we MUST keep working as one person. We mean if there is a problem, there is responsability of the hole group, not just the individual problem of a person.

Resultado de imagen de codey rocky

As we have said before we have worked hard to achieve goals, so we can reflect many and many things but we are going to reflect the most important of them. 

We started working for Codey some time ago, but last 2-3 weeks have been very intense. Firstly, it is neccesary to highlight that we had to stay some afternoons at the "Uni" to set the activity. Moreover, at home we have prepared the materials for Codey. For us, Codey one of the activity that takes us more time.

To adapt to what our teacher asked us, we thought we should divide our activity following the ACAD method, so that nothing is left to chance. Fist of all we think about the set design, after talking we decided that the activity had to be developed in the floor of the hall of the "Fcaultad de Educación", in order to have more space to do the races. The day of the activity all of us prepared the materials and when the children arrived all was made.

Finally we decided that we would receive the children in the hall of the auditorium to welcome them, introduce ourselves, etc. We decided that this would be the best place, since we could form a great circle among all, to give our welcome a democratic tone, and that it would not seem like a situation in which a teacher is checking if everyone is in the class.

After presenting each of us we did a small presentation (due to the time)  explaining the children how Codey works, the app, what were they going to do... Then, we decided to start working with the circuit number 1. The circuit consisted on a "Pirate Beach" in which Codey had to follow the red line. When all the students did that, we explained the circuit number 2 (Mario Kart), in which they should configurate Codey to do the hole circuit and win.

We strongly believe that the distribution of space and our materials was a great success, since we managed to maximize the time we had, and we managed to get all the children involved, by organizing the activities in an open space that allowed us to have a space for all of the participants.

About the epistemic design, we have to change it a little because of the time and the number of participants. At the begining we design a plan for carrying out all the objectives. We thought that the best way to let the children learn was leaving them alone but helping in some ocassions. Sergio, Carmen and Jorge were the person in charge of that. Paco and me, were the person in charge of the materials. Marta, Rocío and Adrián, were the people in charge of making all the children trying and participating. And finally, Miguel was our photograph and "examiner".
It was easy to carry out this plan because of the students, they were always colaborating and facilitating the correct development of the issues. 
As I have said recently, we were noticed about the short number of students and the lack of time, so we redesign our plan and we distribute the children in one unique group. They did 15 min each circuit. 
Finally we based the activity of robots on social contructivism in which students learn more in a collaborative way.

Finally, it should be noted that we all gave 100% in this activity, since as our teacher told us, we all used the experience of the previous week to develop the activity.

Resultado de imagen de hapy

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