Friday 28 February 2020


Hey! I am Marta Milán and this week I was the curator 🙋. This week and the previous one have been very similar, since we have been working on the same activity and we have not had to use new web pages to find more information since everything was already organized in the first week🙌. This week has helped us to advance in the projects that we already thought we would carry out. Nevertheless, the links that have helped us to carry out our projects had not been cited so far, so you can see them below ⏬:

Collodi, C. (13 de Mayo de 2015). Pinocho. Cuentos para niños. Obtenido de
We have extracted the story of Pinocchio from this page. This is the story we will read to children.

Giglio, G. D. (26 de Octubre de 2019). Codey Rockey Line Follower. Obtenido de
We have used this video to learn how to use Codey Rockey.

Manualidades, U. (1 de Julio de 2019). MANUALIDADES de PINOCHO ¿Cómo hacer una manualidad DIY de pinocho paso a paso? - UMA MANUALIDADES. Obtenido de
We have seen some videos of this youtube account to have an example of how to make the dolls that we will use to perform the Stop Motion activity.

With regard to Augmented Reality, an App Store application called Chromeville Science will be used to develop the activity with the children. This is its URL:

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