Thursday 27 February 2020


Hello! We are Carmen Rocío and Marta Milán and this week we are the translators. We want to show you the 5 terms of our task:
Mind Mapping: is a visual form of note taking that offers an overview of a topic and its complex information, allowing students to comprehend, create new ideas and build connections. Through the use of colors, images and words, mind mapping encourages students to begin with a central idea and expand outward to more in-depth sub-topics.
"The jigsaw technique": the cooperative learning strategy known as the "jigsaw" technique helps students create their own learning. Teachers arrange students in groups. Each group member is assigned a different piece of information. Group members then join with members of other groups assigned the same piece of information, and research and/or share ideas about the information. Eventually, students return to their original groups to try to "piece together" a clear picture of the topic at hand. That's the simple overview. The resources below will fill in the details and provide examples of the technique in action.
Padlet: it is a tool that has the function of creating an interaction where participants can give their opinion about the topic being treated.  It works online and everyone can participate from their computers.
TPACK: is a framework, builds on Shulman's, to understand and describe the kinds of knowledge needed by a teacher for effective pedagogical practice in a technology-enhanced learning environment. An example could be knowledge about how to use wiki as a communication tool to enhance collaborative learning in social science.
ACAD: we take an activity-centered approach to design and to the analysis of learning situations. We focus on what it is that people are actually doing, and the tools and resources and social interactions that become bound up in their activity. For those people who are particularly interested in learning outcomes, activity should be seen as key. It mediates the relationships between tasks (what learners are asked to do) and learning outcomes, between tools and resources and learning outcomes, and between interpersonal relationships and learning outcomes.
This week we worked in groups finding information about TPACK and ACAD frameworks, and we explained these concepts in a mind map.
Answering the question, we did a presentation about TPACK and ACAD with a mind map as we thought that was the easier one in order to understand and explain it for 8 minutes.
Furthermore, we would say that TPACK has some weaknesses. For example, some teachers see this method simple and do not put a lot of effort on doing things with quality. What's more, they also try to do things in a faster and cheaper way that rarely is the best.
This is our explanation and reflection about the task.
Until next time!

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