Friday 28 February 2020


Hi class! šŸ˜Š✌

We are Miguel and Paco, the analysts of this week. We are going to talk about the activity "Un dĆ­a en el cole de mi maestro":

From our point of view, the best part of the activity has been designing the games that the children will play for the next week. We strongly believe that they will have a whale of a time. On the contrary, maybe the worst part is that it's been a bit tough to develop that games as well as the figure that we have made to explain the water cycle.

Talking about the work of this week, we consider the best part has been this tuesday because we managed to be all together to work. All of us  have worked very good and efficient, and we think that it must continue to be on this way. We must put all our efforts to achieve that.

We would like to remark that from the last week to this one we have improved a lot we have performed a 180Āŗ flip about our mentality mayb this have been due to the feedback that you Linda gave us that made us "open our eyes". Surely we are going to mantain this pace through the whole year, but we need to ensure this and continue to be alert.

To sum up, we are broadly satisfied with our work and our advances . It is a personal satisfaction but, being honest, we are also relieved by the academic aspect. We are with some uncertainty because we do not know how activities with children will workout for us. Of course, we trust that there are no unpleasant surprises because we are striving to avoid them. And one more thing, we would also like to highlight the fact that we are aware that we have a long way to go, that we have a lot of room for improvement and that we have to avoid  relaxing at all costs, since in this type of things it is very easy to go back without even noticing. If we want to set the bar high, we should not overlook anything.


Hi guys!
I am Juan Antonio and during this intense week I´ve been the facilitator of my group. At the beginning it was hard to organise to much work but little by little I started doing it.

"Un DĆ­a en el Cole de mi Maestro" is our goal and we have been working very very hard to achieve amazing results. On monday we decided to divided into small groups in order to work more fluidly. We formed groups of 3 people according to the different activities of "Un DĆ­a en el Cole de mi Maestro". The first group was formed by Jorge, Sergio and Carmen. The second one was Paco, Miguel and me (Juan Antonio). And in the third group was Adrian, Carmen R. and Marta. We make that division not only, as I said before, to work better but also to work each group with each activity more focused.
All groups have been working hard in each activity and also we met twice at the "uni" to share our different knowledge about each activity. In our opinion it was great because we learned lot of things and for example, if a group was in the Codey Rocky activity and discovered a new method, at that moment, she/he was the teacher and explained us the path to do that.
It was great to be the facilitator,
We keep working
The Outsiders.

Resultado de imagen de we keep working


Hey! I am Marta MilĆ”n and this week I was the curator šŸ™‹. This week and the previous one have been very similar, since we have been working on the same activity and we have not had to use new web pages to find more information since everything was already organized in the first weekšŸ™Œ. This week has helped us to advance in the projects that we already thought we would carry out. Nevertheless, the links that have helped us to carry out our projects had not been cited so far, so you can see them below ⏬:

Collodi, C. (13 de Mayo de 2015). Pinocho. Cuentos para niƱos. Obtenido de
We have extracted the story of Pinocchio from this page. This is the story we will read to children.

Giglio, G. D. (26 de Octubre de 2019). Codey Rockey Line Follower. Obtenido de
We have used this video to learn how to use Codey Rockey.

Manualidades, U. (1 de Julio de 2019). MANUALIDADES de PINOCHO ¿CĆ³mo hacer una manualidad DIY de pinocho paso a paso? - UMA MANUALIDADES. Obtenido de
We have seen some videos of this youtube account to have an example of how to make the dolls that we will use to perform the Stop Motion activity.

With regard to Augmented Reality, an App Store application called Chromeville Science will be used to develop the activity with the children. This is its URL:

Thursday 27 February 2020


Hi again!! šŸ™‹šŸ˜„ I´m Carmen RocĆ­o and, during the week, I was the historian-journalist of the group for my first time!
This week the Outsiders´ group were working again in the task “Un dĆ­a en el cole de mi maestro”.  Having finished the distribution of the three activities (the augmented reality, storytelling and robots), we need to know how we had advanced in the activities in charge. Therefore, Monday was the day chosen for the "experts" of each activity to explain the activities, the materials used and above all to solve doubts that may have arisen.
After having explained it, we decided to use a type of portfolio as a planning to guide us and highlight every aspect of the activities and then explain it to our teacher Linda and the future students of these activities.
Tuesday's class with Linda was very necessary for our group since we had doubts about whether the activities were well planned (from here we want to thank you for helping us šŸ˜‡). We were very pleased to see our improvement over the other weeks šŸ’Ŗand we hope to continue evolving.We have already found a working method that works for us and ensures that through all our collaboration each week, the work goes wellšŸ‘šŸ‘.
Thursday's class consisted of clarifying and detailing the posts and the work for the next week (for which we are already workingšŸ‘ŒšŸ‘€). In my case, in addition to this, I was responsible for collecting photos of our crafts (we will not publish them until next week so as not to spoil our students šŸ˜‚) and of us shaping the next task.


  • The blog that I would highlight that has helped us in the elaboration of the storytelling materials has been:

Marta and I, who organized the storytelling, didn't want to buy costumes or dolls. Thus, we opted to recycle materials ♼šŸ‘ (in this case rolls of paper, cardboard ...) and this page gave us ideas to take ideas from the characters šŸ™Œ.

  • The blog of our class we would like to highlight this week is:

      We have seen that every week they improve the design of their page, making it increasingly interesting to read, without forgetting the essential content. In particular, we wanted to highlight the post called "Augmenting the Water Cycle" since you can observe the care in the position of each image. We see that it is essential that a design page stands out because it makes the content not repetitive.

Until here today's post šŸ’„! See you soon Outsiders readersšŸ’™šŸ’ššŸ’›šŸ’œ!!


Hello everyone! šŸ˜œšŸ˜˜šŸ˜Ž

We are Sergio and Jorge, and this week we are going to be the translators.

Although we have discovered many new terms while preparing for "Un dĆ­a en el cole de mi maestro",  from our point of view, 6 of them are specially relevant. They are:

Storytelling: It is the art of telling a story. The creation and use of a magical atmosphere through the story. In marketing it is a technique that consists of connecting with your users with the message that you are transmitting, either in a loud voice, in writing, or through a story with your character and its plot. During “Un dĆ­a en el cole de mi maestro”, students will have to use an smartphone app to record their story.

Computational thinking : In education, computational thinking (CT) is a set of problem solving methods that involve expressing problems and their solutions in ways that a computer could execute. It involves the mental skills and practices for designing computations that get computers to do jobs for us, and explaining and interpreting the world as a complex of information processes. Those ideas range from basic computational thinking  for beginners to advanced computational thinking for experts. Do not ask my why, but this branch of knowledge is quite new! šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‰

Encode: It means to change something into a system for sending messages secretly , or to represent complicated information in a simple or short way. In our case, it is more simple than that: It is just establishing the event and sequence that the Codey Rocky must follow šŸ˜…šŸ˜…

Stop-motion: It is a filming technique in which successive positions of objects (such as clay models) are photographed to produce the appearance of movement. I am sure that many of us did something similar to create a cartoon during the ESO šŸ˜„

Augmented reality (AR): It is an interactive experience of a real-world environment where the objects that reside in the real world are enhanced by computer-generated perceptual information, sometimes across multiple sensory modalities, including visual, auditory, haptic, somatosensory and olfactory. For this activity, we are going to use augmented reality as a more entertaining way to teach the water cycle, which we are to define just below.

Water cycle: The water cycle, also known as the hydrologic cycle or the hydrological cycle, describes the continuous movement of water on, above and below the surface of the Earth. The mass of water on Earth remains fairly constant over time but the partitioning of the water into the major reservoirs of ice, fresh water, saline water and atmospheric water is variable depending on a wide range of climatic variables. The water moves from one reservoir to another, such as from river to ocean, or from the ocean to the atmosphere, by the physical processes of evaporation, condensation, precipitation, infiltration, surface runoff and subsurface flow. In doing so, the water goes through different forms: liquid, solid (ice) and vapor šŸŒŠ⛅⛆šŸŒŠ

That's all folks! We hope that you have enjoyed reading this and that everything goes perfectly during "Un dĆ­a en el cole de mi maestro"

                                                                                                                         Bye! šŸ˜ŠšŸ’“



Hello everyone again!šŸ˜ƒ after having had a busy week preparing all the materials for our activities, this week fortunately we had our lovely teacher with us againšŸ˜, so we could solve some of the doubts that arose the previous week.
Focusing on our work as stars this week, we can say that it was a very intense week šŸ˜«, although it was based mainly on working as a team.
To begin the week we decided to meet up on Monday, after having read the schedules of our activities, and since Carmen and I had the role of stars this week, we were in charge of explaining to our colleagues the different activities we had prepared for this great event .
First of all we started explaining our first activity, the one  of the water cycle, which was somehow more complicated than the other ones, since this task had been prepared by other members of the group, and since it was also the first presentation, we were rather nervous, but finally our colleagues helped us in the development of the presentation.šŸ˜
Then we continue with the presentation of our second activity, that of storytelling, in this activity Adrian took almost the entire weight of the presentation, since he was one of the members who was responsible for preparing this activity. It was a fairly comprehensive explanation, which achieved its two main objectives, to inform the members of the group that had some doubts about this activity, and to prepare for the presentation that we should give to the children. At the end of the explanation, two members of the group (Sergio and Juan Antonio), were not sure how stopmotion and picpac worked, so we had to give them a little demonstration.
Finally, we explained to the rest of the members of our group our third activity, that of codey rocky, in this explanation Carmen had a greater role, since it was she who was responsible for the preparation of this activity as well as  the creation of one of the circuits. We have to say that this presentation was more difficult to understand for almost all the members of the group, since they still did not have any knowledge about the operation of codey rocky, so after this presentation we decided that the best thing would be that Carmen also would explain to them how the robot works.
In general, we can say that this day served as a preparation for the great day with our students, but it also had the desired effect of making our classmates better understand the development of all tasks.
Monday aside, Tuesday was the day we had to present all our work to our teacher. Although we did not have much time, because we are several groups in class, we try to maximize our time to the fullest, and we believe that our teacher understood our work, and all the materials we had prepared, although we have to say that in this day we were helped by some of our excellent classamtes, (Francisco and Carmen).šŸ˜ŒšŸ˜Œ
Finally, making a summary of everything achieved this week, we would like to highlight that for us it was somehow complicated to carry out this role, since it was the first time we had to do it, and we were a bit nervous, mainly because we tried to do all our presentations in English, something that is always more difficult to carry out, and because we had to take care of explaining three different tasks. Even so, we believe that this week has helped us to improve greatly, since we feel much more confident of ourselves than before, and we believe that this security will help us greatly in our future as teachers, since in the future we will have to face an entire class of 20 or 25 students, and we believe that this is one of the main reasons our teacher told us that we should all go through the role of star, as it is an excellent way to gain confidence for our professional future. We have also understood the importance of this role, since it is the one that is in charge of explaining all the work of the group, so we also believe that Linda told us that we had different roles to help unite our group, something that has indeed been achieved , and that although each one is responsible for doing different parts of the work, in the end it is presented in a joint way, and that we all help each other to achieve our final objective, that of becoming excellent professionals in the field of teaching.
We look forward to this great event, and that in the future we can enjoy the wonderful experience of being the stars of the group in front of our entire class, as we would like to demonstrate how much we have progressed.

Best wishes, 

AdriĆ”n and Carmen. šŸ˜€šŸ˜€

Where we got the information

Hi guys! Now it´s time to facilitate you the work that the "curator farmer" has done during this week. This week we have worked basically on "Un dĆ­a en el cole de mi maestro". We have searched for lot of information.

We have browsed the web on YouTube. On it we could search information about Codey Rocky, the Water Cycle and the storytelling about Pinocho. Also we used Aula Virtual and the information given by our teacher Linda. Also, in the Augmented Reality activity we saw a video about Chrome Ville Sciencie.

Our projects are in process but they are great!
Hope you like it,

The outsiders.

A remarkable group

This week I've been so impresed about "Game of phones" work, they are carrying out a very good tendency, for what I've read in their blog and seen in the class they are very well organised and working hard (as the rest of the gruops).

I have also noticed that Game of phones as many other groups, has divided the activity "Un dia en el cole de mi maestro" in three parts so it can be easier, although I hope that they do a share so all members of the group can know of what everyone has done.

Overall, my opinion towards this group is quite positive they show hard work and dedication and this pays off, keep working like that guys.

Preparation of "Un dĆ­a en el cole de mi maestro"

Hi everybody! We want to tell you how is everything going while preparing "Un dĆ­a en el cole de mi maestro" by sharing this reflection with you:
This week we have worked with different projects, which are already quite advanced although some details remain, but we are satisfied with our effort. We have worked on the following activities: Augmented Reality, Story Telling and Robotics.
The best part of this task is being the organization and the determination of each one. We think we are all very dedicated to this project since we want to show that we can do it better than the last time. We also consider this activity fun, so we are excited to do it and to know that we will try it later with children. Our organization has allowed us to think about every detail and therefore we think that we have been able to reach the expectations. On the other hand, the worst part maybe is being the pressure, since we especially have to do our best due to previous activities and it requires a lot of work, but we trust us.
The best moment of the week was Monday in which all the members of the group stayed in the afternoon in the university to start organizing the work. It was a productive day in which we advanced a lot and in which we did our work seriously.
Moreover, at the moment there has been no bad days since we are working well and we are being quite cautious over time since, although we still have another week to continue with the project, our work is quite advanced so we will have plenty of time to think about small details.
In this task, we have had the opportunity to learn quite different things from each project, although of all the works we can highlight the creativity that we have had to use.
In the case of Story Telling, we have learnt to use applications like Powtoon to make our presentation about what Story Telling and Stopmotion are, or PicPac that is the application that we will use to realize the Stopmotion with the children. It is an activity that allows children to have fun and that requires a lot of creativity.
Moving to Robotics, this project has taught us to acquire skills when handling objects of this type. It also has helped us to develop our creativity in order to invent two atractive and easy circuits for our students.
And finally, regarding Augmented Reality, we have learned to use this method in a way that allows us to teach in a much more practical way allowing a great interaction with the children and between the children.
We still have to improve many things, but this week we would highlight the effort to keep all the roles and jobs together even though we split tasks. We have done well to establish a few key days to move forward and help the work to be completed correctly.
We all have an assigned role but we have to keep in mind that is everyone's work, and this is something we learned last week with the previous task.
We sometimes have to divide the work to be able to manage the time, but we believe that we can improve this as we create new projects.
It is also necessary that each person find his/her characteristic that makes him/her stand out within the group, each one has some characteristics that differentiate him/her. For example, there are people who have more capacity to lead and although it is not in their role of the week, their intervention is sometimes necessary.
We think that the activity "un dĆ­a en el cole de mi maestro" is essential for our career since it is an activity that puts us in touch with what we are really going to dedicate in our life, which is teaching. We develop elements that are essential when working with children such as creativity, planning, skills to express ourselves and technological learning, something that is very present in schools.
Maybe this activity has been more fluid since we have found concepts related to the Educational Planning subject, which we studied during the first semester. In it, we had to develop a PBL, with different activities created by ourselves. It is true that it has helped us since it contained planning concepts but for us to elaborate the materials ourselves to later apply what we have created has been totally new.
Logically, for us nowadays the application of technology in the classroom is essential. This is evident as children constantly have contact with technological devices. They may not use them for the educational field but they are part of their life.
The application of robots in the classroom was in debate, although perhaps the robots of this activity do not reach as much, since we thought that this couldn´t replace a teacher. This movement did not have much influence since no robot will be able to transmit and act reasonably in the various situations in which a student can show. While it is important to keep in mind that it is not about substituting but it is about helping the teacher complementing with these technological tools (storytelling, stop motion, didactic robots, etc.).
We are putting our hole effort and ilusion because we want to achive good results in this task, appart from making children to value the originality of some of our ideas and making them to have a good time. That is the core of this task and the most important aspect for us, so we hope to deal with it on a positive way!

Resultado de imagen de clase de primaria


Hello! We are Carmen Rocƭo and Marta MilƔn and this week we are the translators. We want to show you the 5 terms of our task:
Mind Mapping: is a visual form of note taking that offers an overview of a topic and its complex information, allowing students to comprehend, create new ideas and build connections. Through the use of colors, images and words, mind mapping encourages students to begin with a central idea and expand outward to more in-depth sub-topics.
"The jigsaw technique": the cooperative learning strategy known as the "jigsaw" technique helps students create their own learning. Teachers arrange students in groups. Each group member is assigned a different piece of information. Group members then join with members of other groups assigned the same piece of information, and research and/or share ideas about the information. Eventually, students return to their original groups to try to "piece together" a clear picture of the topic at hand. That's the simple overview. The resources below will fill in the details and provide examples of the technique in action.
Padlet: it is a tool that has the function of creating an interaction where participants can give their opinion about the topic being treated.  It works online and everyone can participate from their computers.
TPACK: is a framework, builds on Shulman's, to understand and describe the kinds of knowledge needed by a teacher for effective pedagogical practice in a technology-enhanced learning environment. An example could be knowledge about how to use wiki as a communication tool to enhance collaborative learning in social science.
ACAD: we take an activity-centered approach to design and to the analysis of learning situations. We focus on what it is that people are actually doing, and the tools and resources and social interactions that become bound up in their activity. For those people who are particularly interested in learning outcomes, activity should be seen as key. It mediates the relationships between tasks (what learners are asked to do) and learning outcomes, between tools and resources and learning outcomes, and between interpersonal relationships and learning outcomes.
This week we worked in groups finding information about TPACK and ACAD frameworks, and we explained these concepts in a mind map.
Answering the question, we did a presentation about TPACK and ACAD with a mind map as we thought that was the easier one in order to understand and explain it for 8 minutes.
Furthermore, we would say that TPACK has some weaknesses. For example, some teachers see this method simple and do not put a lot of effort on doing things with quality. What's more, they also try to do things in a faster and cheaper way that rarely is the best.
This is our explanation and reflection about the task.
Until next time!

Our 2nd task was to explain the terms of TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge) and ACAD (Activity Centred Analysis and Design) and the relation between them. We had to present it to our classmates by answering 5 questions using an information map on a cardboard.
This information can be seen in the video whose link is at the top of the page. This video contains the explanation of Francisco JosƩ and Miguel, who have been the stars during this week.
Resultado de imagen de tpack

Our first activity in ICT

We started this subject with a first group activity, which consisted of thinking 5 ideas about the education with five short phrases that clearly express those ideas and make a squared photography of each.
After that, we brought these pictures to class and other groups had to try to guess what ideas they expressed, just like us with the photographs of others.
These were our pictures:

In the last photo we can see the solutions to each picture that our classmates wrote.
The only idea they failed to guess was 'Reciprocity', in which they wrote 'Solidarity' and 'Cooperative learning'. This could have happened because it really did not specifically represent this idea despite being a teacher helping a student. We could have represented it with arrows that indicated how knowledge is transmitted to both. But we will improve for the next time!
We hope you liked this post and until next activity!

Analysts reflection of first week

We, “The Outsiders”, feel the need to carry out a deep reflection about our job. This is because of two reasons. The first reason is that the results do not correspond with the expectatives of the teacher. The second reason, and the most serious, is that the results do not correspond with the expectitives that we, as a group, had on ourselves and on our possibilities.

After thinking about it on a collective way we have arriven to the conclusion that this is due to several reasons. The first of them and the most important one is that we have had serious difficulties for understanding what we had to do and we were not familiar with the dynamics of the new subject and how we work.

Other reason is that we had many things to do of other subjects so we were quite deconcentrated. These facts combined with the fact that we were quite confused and disorientated with the roles which each person of the group had.

However, not everything is negative. We can use this experience to learn and improve the way we work. Appart from that, we would also like to remark that we have seen a very positive aspect. It is that all of the members of the group (the 9 of them) have shown predisposition to collaborate, we mean, there is not any students with a passive attitude.

Resultado de imagen de flecha hacia arriba

Week 1!

About our partners blogs:
It is difficult to talk about only one blog of the different groups, but we decided to talk about 8 1/2´s blog. We think that they are working in a positive way, and also their blog contains a lot of relevant information. It´s great to see our improvement but without seeing the outside (we mean seeing the work of the other groups) it´s impossible. So in in this post we want to congratulate them for their work during this week. For example, their poster was super and the explanaition they did was amazing. We believe that if they keep working by this way they will obtain wonderful results.
About the information posted in the blog, we strongly think that they are doing step by step, it means working all together intensely. As we can see in some of the photos shared, they all work, without any exception so it´s great.
For some reasons as the previous ones, we recommend you to read their blog!
Good job, guys!
See you soon!!
Resultado de imagen de good job