Tuesday 12 May 2020


Hello everybody!! 😄💪

I am Sergio and I have been the facilitator this week. Before starting I would like to give hope to everyone because of the difficult situation that we have to face. If we respect the rules and mantain a security distance with other people I am sure that we will get out of this situation.

Now I am going to talk about my role this week. First of all, I would like to state that we all agreed to divide the job in three parts, as we consider that doing everything the 9 of the group would be very improductive. There was a consensus on that: Carmen Llamas, Jorge and me worked in the part of encoding. Paco, Miguel and Juan Antonio worked in the part of augmented reality. Adrián, Carmen Rocío and Marta worked in the part of storytelling.

I am sure that we could have worked more collaboratelly between the different subgroups. However, I am also sure that if we haven't done this is because we have too many works from different subjects. 

So, regarding the very improvable result which we have had on the last task, I haven't got anything else to say appart from the fact that, as we want to achieve the best possible in this subject (well, actually in all the subjects), we are going to ensure that our portfolio is much better than this.

That's all. Best wishes.

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