Friday 3 April 2020

Content of our exposition about the PLE

Hi again!👊

Now, as we have thought that maybe some classmates would like to see more about what we exposed on Thursday, we have decided to upload here the content that we prepared for the presentation.

Introduction PLE:

Good morning, we are Jorge and Sergio, from the group “The Outsiders”, and we will start by explaining what the Personal Learning Environment consists of.
Within the field of education, PLE refers to the set of learning tools, materials, instruments, services and artifacts from numerous contexts and environments to be used by the student.The PLE helps the student to take an active role and to take control of your learning. This implies that you must determine your own learning objectives and control the learning process, including the acquisition of content and learning objects; therefore, the PLE is a self-regulated learning process, where the student controls his learning, the objectives, its content and the process itself.
Due to the quarantine imposed due to COVID-19 we have understood the importance of knowing how to use digital resources to be able to get the content that should be given in class to the students. That is why we have developed our PLE to learn more about them, which we can turn to whenever the need to use these methods arises.


YouTube is a video sharing service where users can watch, like, share, comment and upload their own videos. The video service can be accessed on PCs, laptops, tablets and via mobile phones.
Previous research focuses exclusively on the use of YouTube to support teaching
materials. In most cases, students are passive spectators of the educational materi-
als. While it is true that watching videos involves a certain degree of active learn-
ing (e.g. students analyze and evaluate the content, interpret its meaning, and an-
swer questions raised in the audio-visual material), few studies develop learning
activities using YouTube as a tool for learner-generated content (Orús et al.,
2016). In one of the few exceptions, Jenkins and Dillon (Jenkins & Dillon, 2013)
argue that creating and uploading videos to YouTube, and then presenting them in
the classroom, build collaborative knowledge, especially in areas such as social sciences, education, and humanities. However, the authors do not examine the
students’ work, perceptions, and learning outcomes. Fralinger and Owens (2009)
propose a similar activity resulting in higher levels of interest, better learning,
achievement of objectives, and acquisition of skills or workgroup competencies.
In a project carried out by Pereira et al. (2014), 29 students created and uploaded a
video in Babelium (open source software) about different diagnosis techniques.

The main functions of YouTube are: inform, entertain and of course, learn. One reason YouTube is so popular is the sheer number of videos you can find. On average, 100 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute, so there's always something new to watch! And you'll find all kinds of videos on YouTube—adorable cats, quirky cooking demos, funny science lessons, quick fashion tips, and a whole lot more.

Learn: Youtube is a tool that allows schools how they can access to educational content on Youtube which it can complete the explication that teacher make in the aula. YouTube allows students watch educational content in their house so teacher can use this to develop homework and reinforce content that students need to strengthen. In this way in Spain, we have an awesome teacher of history called on Youtube ``El Profesor Inquieto´´ , who try to teach the history of second of Baccalaureate, every single units, he received lot of awards because of this.

Inform: One of the main advantages that we can obtain from youtube is its labour of informing people for instance online courses that qualified person with studies spread out their knowledge to teach other people this can be seen in the disastrous situation that we are living today as we can’t go outside neither schools, university, high school… so many platforms as youtube are a wonderful resource to teach students on their houses. And finally there is a youtuber whose work on this platform has been remarkable “Unicos” he is math teacher who uploads videos about any type of problem, having helped a lot of people.

Entertain: For a child, entertainment is essential while learning and being informed. Well, when we talk about entertainment we mean that this platform offers us countless videos as they can be fun and can help children and adults spend hours and hours watching these videos. Perhaps of the three features that youtube has the most famous or the one that we "abuse" the most is entertainment. If we talk about this show soon it will come to mind millions and millions of channels that are dedicated to making people spend a more pleasant or enjoyable time. Today a profession has been forged on this circle and it is that of Youtuber, people who have the tool of entertain in their “hands”.

Why is so useful YouTube?

1.1 Learner-generated content
In the context of online knowledge sharing, the concept of learner-generated content has been extended among scholars and is becoming an increasingly used instrument to foster active learning processes. Specifically, the generation of content by students could be useful to develop relevant competencies that are frequently.
1.2 Project objectives
In this innovative teaching project, undergraduate students of a basic marketing course were encouraged to make videos and post them on the official YouTube channel of the course. This project is based on active learning and learner generated content paradigms since students have to generate and understand meaningful contents, in a way that it helps them to transfer knowledge to other members of an educational network (classmates, teachers and other users interested in the content). After four years, more than 1,400 students have had the opportunity to participate in the activity, resulting in more than 300 videos about theoretical concepts of the course. Nevertheless, the interest in or success of the project cannot be measured only in terms of the number of participating students or the videos posted. It is important to investigate the factors that contribute to the success of the initiative by focusing on students’ perceptions and intentions about their participation.

Announcement definition:

It is a tool that has the function of creating an interaction between students and teachers in a digital platform that offers the possibility of creating collaborative walls. This tool offers a range of possibilities to develop different educational resources.
By just creating an account, you can start setting up an activity wall and provide the students with the link so they can access and start publishing their contributions in the different formats that the tool allows: text, audio, video or image.
Learn: announcement board is a tool that allows an easier access to information. In this way, students can search for the necessary data and collect them faster. It is a new and different way of learning and this helps students to be more motivated and interested.
A practical way to use the announcement to learn is as follows: the teacher will create sections in the announcement with the titles of the topics, and students will have to find information of these topics, pasting that information under those titles. In this way, they will make their own topics, and if they are not sure of their work, they will be able to learn from the work of their classmates.
Reflect: this tool allows teachers to reflect on their current teaching methods and represents an advance since it allows them to develop teaching units in different ways.
A practical way to use the announcement to reflect is the following: this idea is focused on the subjects that pose dilemmas in class, such as religion or tutoring:
The teacher can add different dilemmas to the announcement and assign each student the positions of in favor and against. That is, if there are 30 students and 30 topics are distributed, each student will play a position of one of those topics, in favor or against. They will have to look for information, include it in the announcement and postulate their position. 
After having argued their position, they will be assigned another topic and they will choose whether they want to be in favor or against it, and develop their argument based on the information found by their classmates.  
Share: two types of digital online announcement board platforms are Padlet and PhptPoint. The most used is Padlet among educational institutions. This is the most characteristic function of this platform and the most important since it not only allows you to share information with teachers but also with students. In addition, it also allows adding documents from other authors.
A practical way to use the announcement to share is as follows: the teacher explains a topic, and then the students will have to look for additional information about it (via the internet, in newspapers ...). They will upload what they have found to an announcement and write their names. In this way, they help each other to study.
If any of them cannot find a way to search for this information, they should develop a diagram or any other technique they use to help them study, and paste it into the document.

Finally, we have found several examples of Padlets used in real life. They come from the Catalina de Aragón school in which due to the situation with the Covid19 they have had to share the didactic units and their homework through this platform.

In this case, the tool through which we will help students to deepen the subject is the podcast, which is nothing more than an audio file that we can share through platforms such as Spotify. These audios will allow us to permanently share explanations of the contents that could not be given in class due to the quarantine imposed due to COVID-19. In this way, students can use them whenever they want, both during quarantine and when they finish.

How does it work?:

Currently there are numerous platforms that allow us to create and access podcasts, we can highlight some such as Spotify, iVoox, Spreaker ... Through them we can share our own podcasts and listen to those of other users.
To create a podcast, the first thing we have to do is select the topic that we are going to cover. In our case it will be related to the subjects studied in the school, so that both the subject and the audience to which the podcast will be directed will be from the school environment. Once we know what topic we are going to deal with and what kind of audience we are going to address, we must verify that the means are available to record the podcast, that is, if there is a means to record, a microphone (that of the headphones themselves), a program that allows the editing of tracks ... and if they work correctly. If you have everything you need, it is time to plan the structure of the podcast, for this we will prepare a script that will prevent us from staying in front of the microphone without knowing what to say.
When we have successfully completed all these steps it will be time to record.
Finally we will only have to edit the audio and upload it to the platform we have chosen.
To upload the podcast,  the first step is to upload the file to one of the other platforms that we have named above, such as ivoox. Once uploaded, the next step will be to access our spotify account and upload it via the link of the podcast obtained on the other page. Finally we just need to wait.

Uses in class:
there are many uses that can be given in class, they are very diverse, and can be adapted to both an online format and face-to-face classes. For example, one of the activities that could be done in class would be a project that would cover the whole term, and in which the children would have to choose a musical style (rock, hip hop, pop, etc.) to make a list of playback on spotify with the contents of each unit. First, the teacher would have to record a tutorial on how to make podcasts, and then the children would have to try to make a podcast of a topic that is familiar to them. In this podcast children would have to sing the content they choose, according to the style they have chosen, rock, pop, hip hop, etc. After this try and having clarified all the doubts that children may have, they should create a playlist, to which they would add podcasts every time they finish a unit. In each song they make in each unit they should include the most important aspects of the unit for them, what they have learned, and what they found most interesting about the contents of the unit. In this way, the children could review the contents of the unit in a didactic and fun way, as well as go to the playlist to review previous units.
 Another use we could make of the podcast is to use it as the main tool to implement a class model based on the flipped classroom. For this, teachers should record the explanations of the contents that are going to be worked, and send them by email or WhatsApp to the children, who should listen to them at home and write down any doubts or suggestions they may have. Later, in the online class, the children would  carry out activities related to the content that the teacher explained in the podcast, and the teacher would be available to the students in a videoconference to resolve their doubts and help them in the learning process.
Finally, we would like to emphasize that the use of podcasts opens up a huge range of opportunities, since it can be applied to carry out numerous tasks in class. To give an example, the teacher could divide the class into two groups, which they would assign two completely different views on a topic. For example, some would defend the democratic system, and others an authoritarian system. To carry out this task, they could create a hip hop battle, in which each of the groups would create a podcast stating their reasons in hip hop format. This is just one example of the many utilities that podcasting can have in our educational system.

Well, this has been everything that we prepared for the presentation, we hope that you have enjoyed reading this as much as when we exposed in the videocall 😉

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