Thursday 19 March 2020


Hi again everybody! 

Resultado de imagen de gifs of hi again!

Well, as you may already know, due to the coronavirus, this week has been a little different, and we had to change our udcmm activity, to be able to develop it online. Although we miss the children a lot, being honest, doing the activity online was also a lot of fun.
Resultado de imagen de gifs of having fun

As you can find in our other blog entry 
( the activity is carried out using the scratch page.

Focusing on our role, although presenting our work in class is more exciting, the fact of trying the video call with our classmates and teacher was also so much fun. We both had to prepare our presentation on Monday, and we decided to do it in two parts, the first part to describe in general lines the activity, carried out by Adrián, and the second part, in which we went into more detail, explaining all the development of the activity following the ACAD method, which was carried out by Miguel.
It was a great experience, and although we hope that soon we can return to the normal functioning of our classes, we continue with great enthusiasm working to improve every day and continue learning!
Resultado de imagen de gifs working hard

Thanks so much for reading!😁

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